The development of information and communications technology that occur when this is so rapid hit the world of education. Educators such as teachers and lecturers and other education personnel as perpetrators of education supposedly able to follow the development of these technologiesMany schools are developed, in big cities like Jakarta, Bandung, and Yogyakarta, has been able to integrate ICT into their learning process. For instance, there are schools that implement e-learning in their learning process. Of the schools that implement distance education to assist remote areas to be able to achieve education that is comparable to those in big cities
The major problem that still exists today among the facilities and capabilities of human resources. Facilities to support the existence of distance education is still far outweigh the costs of any party school. Not all schools are able to provide these facilities with little cost. Teacher resources that are still slightly in having the ability to operate computers and programs for E-Learning. A sense of "reluctant" to teach teachers to change their traditional patterns into ICT-based learning. most of them already enjoy with this pattern as long as they apply, they are lazy to learn to make changes. This kind of attitude of teachers is one of the obstacles in the integration of ICT. The reason there is always that they lack control of the media, and the inability of it sometimes does not want them to lose and do not want to learn how the media is working to assist the learning process. These problems are always a constraint in integrating ICT into the learning process
The existence of training and a sense of curiosity teachers to master the computer helps them to integrate ICT in the learning process. So that the learning process that is no longer monotonous. The existence of ICT-based instructional media will be able to explain the concept - the concept of learning Mathematics, Biology, English, and so are not able to be presented in the traditional way. In these media, events that require a long time can be presented in a shorter time, events which can be harmful we presented in the classroom, abstract events such as heart rate can also be described more concretely with audio visual and so forth. ICT is now an important need in the learning process to be able description scientific concepts with precise and more real. Just how a perpetrator education such as teachers, lecturers and other education personnel allocate time to learn the exact order fulfillment capabilities ICT for learning.